Student Services
Access the appropriate document link to open, complete form, and print. Follow the instructions on where to submit the completed form.
Absence Notifications
Professionalism & Concerns
- CARE Team Referral — Make a referral to help a student or employee in distress.
- Learning Environment Concern Form — The Learning Environment Concern Form is intended for students to privately report any mistreatment, inappropriate behavior or bias of course faculty and clinicians in the academic setting. Submissions are completely anonymous, unless you choose to identify yourself, and are shared with the senior executive director of academic affairs and student services and the college representative to address the concern and consult with the submitting student, if a name is provided, before any action is taken.
- Behavioral Concern (reporting form) — Use the Behavioral Concern form to report allegations of student misconduct or unprofessional behavior. Once submitted, the form is received by the student conduct officer and by the college’s professionalism liaison. Names of the submitter are required but are kept private in the investigation. See more: Student Conduct and Professionalism.
- Suggestion Box — The NEOMED Suggestion Box provides students with the opportunity to provide suggestions, concerns and ideas for how to improve their experience at NEOMED. Suggestions are then reviewed by the elected student leaders in NSC, Student Conduct Council and the college-specific Student Curriculum Councils. Suggestions can include ideas about the curriculum, professionalism, facilities, etc. Suggestions may be submitted anonymously. Please avoid using students’ names or using this form for specific professionalism concerns of another student. The Behavioral Concern form should be used to report concerns about a specific student.
- Title IX Reporting Form
- Violations of the Law Form
- Student Honor Code 2024-25
Withdrawal Request Form
Grade Dispute, Hardship & Conflict of Interest
- Student Academic Complaints
- Transfer Credit Appeal Form
College of Medicine
- Grade Dispute Policy & Notification Form
- Grade Dispute Waiver Form
- Hardship Request Form
- Conflict of Interest Form
College of Pharmacy
College of Graduate Studies
Leave of Absence
- Enrichment Leave of Absence Form
- Medical/Personal Leave of Absence Form
- Instructional video: How to Request an LOA and Petition to Return
International Travel
- International Travel Forms
- International Travel Policy
Consent Forms
- Consent Form: Disclose Educational Records by Dependent Students
- Consent Form: Disclose Educational Records from Parents of Dependent Students
- Consent Form: Release Education Records
- Consent Form: Release or Discuss Medical Records
- Vaccination Exemption Form
- Signs and Symptoms Form (TB)
Student Achievement
- Participation Agreement for Not-for-Credit Experiences (College of Medicine) — During medical school, students may choose to engage in off-campus, non-credit experiences (i.e. shadowing, research, etc.) to help enhance their clinical skills or competitiveness for residency placement. These experiences must be:
- at the direction of and approved by College of Medicine, Student Affairs,
- of educational merit, and
- hosted by a physician/principal investigator who has agreed to supervise the student by abiding by the NEOMED Not-for-Credit Guidelines.