Trade Facilitation

Hong Kong is a free port and does not impose any tariffs. Hong Kong is renowned for its customs clearance efficiency. Over the years, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has put in place various measures to enhance customs clearance efficiency and expedite cargo flow while maintaining effective controls. Our latest initiatives include:

Trade Single Window

Trade Single Window

The Commerce and Economic Development Bureau is developing a Trade Single Window to provide a one-stop electronic platform for the trading community to lodge over 50 business-to-government trade documents for trade declaration and customs clearance purposes. Phase 1 of the Trade Single Window was launched in December 2018 and now covers 14 types of trade documents. The Legislative Council has approved the funding for implementing Phase 2, which will extend coverage to another 28 types of trade documents from 2023 by batches. Documents covered by the first two phases are mainly for specific controlled products. Phase 3 will cover Import and Export Declaration, Advance Cargo Information, and Cargo Report for all cargoes.

Hong Kong Authorised Economic Operator Programme

Accredited Hong Kong Authorised Economic Operators enjoy customs clearance facilitation in the form of reduced and prioritised customs clearance in Hong Kong and other economies with mutual recognition arrangements with Hong Kong. Participation in the Programme is free-of-charge and voluntary. The Programme is premised on the SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade promulgated by the World Customs Organization.

Single E-lock Scheme

The Single E-lock Scheme streamlines the customs inspection process of inter-modal cargoes traveling between Hong Kong and Guangdong Province. With the aid of technology, it provides assurance that goods are not tampered with in the transportation process, reducing the need for repeated inspections on the same cargo by customs authorities on either side of the boundary. By expediting cargo flows, the Scheme plays a role in implementing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan.

Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme

The Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme facilitates goods passing through Hong Kong to enjoy tariff concessions provided under Free Trade Agreements between the Mainland of China and other economies. Customs supervision service and Certificate of Non-manipulation are provided under the Scheme to certify that relevant cargoes have not undergone processing during their stay in Hong Kong.

Visit the Customs and Excise Department to learn more about the Hong Kong SAR Government’s trade facilitation measures.