Bishop Anthony C. Williams serves as the founder and senior pastor of Living Vision Ministries (located in Dallas, Texas). As a native of Shreveport, Louisiana, he first started reading his bible at the age of fourteen, trying to better understand what it was to be a Christian. Pastor Williams joined the United States Navy at the age of 18, went to San Diego, CA, for boot camp.
While serving his country, Bishop Williams teach and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ in various parts of the world. The United States Navy, recognized his efforts and decided to make him a lay-man over Gospel Ministries aboard various Naval Vessels as well as Naval installations.
After moving to Sigonella, Italy, he was license and ordain as a minister of The Gospel. After serving his tour of duty, he returned back to the United States and was ordained as an Elder of the Gospel.
Bishop Williams has been teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ for twenty-six years. His style of preaching includes a very detail explanation of The Gospel of Jesus Christ, with real-life stories from a contemporary life that inspires the congregation.
Dr. Anthony Williams is a retired United States Navy Veteran who has traveled to over 37 countries around the world preaching and teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ, receiving a number of awards and accolades.
Bishop Williams believes God as it states in scriptures Acts 27:25 (KJV) “Wherefore sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me”. Pastor Williams favorite scripture is: Isaiah 6:1-3
"I believe it still holds supreme in the church - is the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ"
-Bishop Anthony Williams
Modesta Williams is known for her faith, studying, prayer-life, fearlessness and the encouraging of others.
As the First Lady of Living Vision Ministries, she spearheads the “Women’s Ministries”, by teaching and showing teen girls and women how to be Women of God in a time like today. Modesta endeavors to minister to the needs of women from all walks of life. She seeks to equip and encourage women to move beyond mediocrity and live the abundant life that is available for them through Jesus Christ. She operates in her gifts of teaching, encouragement, administration and the service of the ministry.
Modesta is a native of Huntsville, Texas and a mother of five children. She has a Masters of Business Administration in Corporate Management .
Modesta’s mission is to live the Christian Life before God and to be a witness to the lost. To live her life as a woman of noble character and great worth. To be the wife that God has called her to be and be the Glory of her husband.
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